Visiting Scholar: Matthias Haeussler, PhD

Matthias Haeussler, PhD is a visiting scholar at Center for Democracy, Toleration and Religion at University of California, Berkeley from October, 2017 through January, 2018.

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Matthias Haeussler studied Philosophy, Sociology and Political Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt, where in 2006, he earned his PhD in Philosophy with a thesis on
Hegel’s Conception of Religion („Der Religionsbegriff in Hegels Phänomenologie des
Geistes“, 2 nd edition, Freiburg: Alber). In 2004 he became a faculty member of the
Department of Sociology of the University of Siegen. Between 2004 and 2009 he
conducted a research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) on
colonial rule, war and genocide in “German South West Africa“ (1904-1908), leading
him to extended stays in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. He recently
completed a book on the Herero Genocide.
In 2014, Matthias was Visiting Scholar at the Hamburg Institute of Social Research,
since 2015 he has been a researcher at the Hamburg Foundation for the
Advancement of Science and Culture, working on a project titled “On Imperial
Domination. An Inquiry into Non-State Political Orders in Colonial Libya and
Namibia”. In addition to his research, he is editor of “Sociology of Violence” at
“Soziopolis”, (HIS/ Mittelweg 36) as well as on the advisory board of the “Journal of
Namibian Studies”.

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